实验室 Linux 内核技术团队是开源软件与实时系统教育部工程研究中心
的支撑团队,是全国最早、对内核贡献最多的高校操作系统技术团队之一,曾为 RTLinux/GPL 的官方维护团队,主要从事实时操作系统和内核可靠性技术相关研究。
- (SCI)RCSoS: An IEC 61508 Compatible Server Model for Reliable Communication, Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology
- (SCI)XtratuM/PPC: a hypervisor for partitioned system on PowerPC processors, Journal of Supercomputing
- (SCI)Learning network storage curriculum with experimental case based on embedded systems. Comput. Appl. Eng. Educ
- (Soft Computing, 2023•Springer) A shared libraries aware and bank partitioning-based mechanism for multicore architecture
- (DSA) RJMM: Real-time Enhancement for Jailhouse Hypervisor on Multi-Core Platforms via Memory Isolation
实验室智能驾驶团队是甘肃省智能驾驶行业技术中心的支撑团队,是全国高校最早成立的 L3/L4 研究团队之一,主要从事无人驾驶和智能辅助驾驶相关技术研究。近年来已接洽并与国内外多家知名公司、高校科研机构、智能驾驶初创公司建立了长期合作关系,协同企业进行 L4 级原型制定和量产规格的乘用车高级辅助驾驶系统研发,协助建设智能网联产业测试,参与 5G+智慧公路等项目,通过校企合作,对车路协同通信,网络安全,V2X 下智能驾驶关键技术上进行了深入研究。
- (英文专著)《Theories and Practices of Self-Driving Vehicles》
- (技术专著)《无人驾驶理论与实践》
- (学术顶会)EHSS: An Efficient Hybrid-supervised Symmetric Stereo Matching Network. ITSC 2023
- (学术顶会)Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Education in the Case of Self-driving Vehicle Curriculum. ITSC 2022
- (SCI)An Edge Based Multi-Agent Auto Communication Method for Traffic Light Control. Sensors
- (SCI Q1)An intelligent blockchain-based system for safe vaccine supply and supervision. International Journal of Information Management
- (SCI Q1)A combined forecasting system based on modified multi-objective optimization and sub-model selection strategy for short-term wind speed. Appl. Soft Comput
- (SCI Q1)Smart fog based workflow for traffic control networks. Future Generation Computer Systems
- (SCI Q1)Integration of numerical model and cloud computing. Future Gener. Comput. Syst
- (SCI Q1)GVM based intuitive simulation web application for collision detection. Neurocomputing
- (SCI Q1)An Efficient Smart Contract Vulnerability Detector Based on Semantic Contract Graphs Using Approximate Graph Matching[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
- (SCI Q1) Code classification with graph neural networks: Have you ever struggled to make it work?[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023: 120978.
- (SCI Q1) Novel supply chain vulnerability detection based on heterogeneous-graph-driven hash similarity in IoT[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2023.(Top, IF=7.5)
- (Top Hacker Conference) Xin L, Yuan T, Rui C, et al.Human or Not: Can You Really Detect the Fake Voices?[C]//Black Hat USA 2022: AI and Defense. 2022.
- (CCF A)Not The End of Story: An Evaluation of ChatGPT-Driven Vulnerability Description Mappings[C]//Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023. 2023: 3724-3731.
- (技术专著)Blockly 创意趣味编程,机械工业出版社
- (CSSCI)关于协作式开放在线教程的建设构想与实践,中国大学教学
- (CSSCI)新工科背景下对于计算思维的再认识,中国大学教学
- (SCI)A collaborative and open solution for large-scale online learning, Computer Applications in Engineering Education
- (SCI)Learning Network Storage Curriculum With Experimental Case Based on Embedded Systems, Computer Applications in Engineering Education